We’re passionate about helping you flow at work and at home.

Lovage Wellness

Lovage Wellness was created to provide a realistic wellness program that is rooted in creativity, intuition and becoming your best self everyday. With practical tools on how to integrate whole foods and herbal medicine into your daily life, and positive psychology techniques to super-charge your motivation and sense of balance.

Meet Nicole

While I loved working as a visual artist and chef, I became passionate about the idea of helping people feel good. After teaching at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto, my students inspired me to continue to share this empowering knowledge to those that wanted to shift their lives. I created the Flowly Program because I found that REALISTIC nutrition advice was lacking in the wellness world. Flowly combines positive psychology techniques with wholesome and therapeutic nutrition advice. I wanted to combine the tools of positive psychology in finding daily joy, with the simplicity of whole foods and herbal medicine. I personally find my moments of “flow state” in painting, nature and being in the kitchen. I want everyone to be able to tap into that healing, joyful, creative, hyper-focused “flow state” in their own daily lives, through what uniquely moves them. I’m so proud to have the pleasure of working with inspiring, growth-minded individuals who want to achieve happiness in their everyday lives.

Core Values

  • According the CDC, 40% of Americans reported symptoms of anxiety or depression in 2020. This is unacceptable. Support is desperately needed in this time.

  • The right to understand your body and symptoms is a birth right. Nobody understands ones own body better than themselves. Minimizing of symptoms in Western medicine is far too common, especially amongst women.

  • As part of our mission, Lovage will donate 1 program to a high-school student in need for every sale of the Flowly program.

  • Food deserts are a real issue in low-income neighbourhoods. We strive to provide free nutritional advice including accessibly priced ingredients. We also wish to raise awareness of this systemic issue.

  • All Western medicine was founded in plant medicine. There is a generational gap where our parents started to believe the wisdom of the white coat above ancestral wisdom that has carried on for hundreds of generations. This knowledge that was shared due to a necessity of survival is now often minimized and undermined. While science slowly catches up to the knowledge of our forbearers.

  • Every single body has a natural drive towards balance and homeostasis. Given the right tools, anyone can begin to heal. Trust in one’s ability to heal is paramount.

  • The rules of foraging dictate; never take more than you need. Reciprocity begins with our own bodies. Eat foods your body loves and your body will love you back. It extends to our community and to our earth.

  • This is the foundation of the Flowly program. One cannot work efficiently or optimally if one does not take time for recovery. You can’t pour from an empty cup. But filling your cup doesn’t have to be “self-care” time. Flowly shows you how you can fill your cup at work, with family and even doing menial tasks. It’s about a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment achieved through flow states.

Our Mission

We believe everyone deserves to experience happiness, as it is the core purpose of the human experience. With Flowly, anyone can take their health and happiness into their own hands. Using accessible, simple food and uniquely tailored flow state techniques to leverage the rush of happy chemicals into their daily life.